A bunionette is a foot condition very similar to a bunion, except it occurs on the 5th or pinky toe. A bunionette is a bony prominence that forms on the joint of the last toe. It develops when there is excessive pressure at the joint or at the front of the foot. The main causes of a bunionette that we see at Burrard Custom Foot Orthotics are flat arches or arches that are too high, wearing tight shoes or shoes with a small and narrow toe box, or frequently wearing high heels. As pressure increases against the base of the little toe, the joint of the first toe starts to increase in surface area to alleviate the built-up pressure, leading to an increase in size and pain in the joint of the little toe. A bunionette can be asymptomatic initially, but if ignored and left untreated, it will become symptomatic and painful.
The best way to treat a bunionette without surgery is by identifying its cause. Most commonly, they are caused by biomechanical foot failures such as flat feet or high arches, which can be corrected with custom foot orthotics.
Custom foot orthotics are the most common and effective way to treat a bunionette. By providing proper custom insoles, they can support the arches and alleviate pressure on the heel and forefoot. They can also reduce pain and soreness in the area, gradually eliminating the pain.
However, it’s important to note that the formation of a bunionette is irreversible. It can be managed with proper footwear and high-quality custom foot orthotics.